Tuesday, 8 October 2013

"Lifetime Achievement Award Day" !!!

सभी पुराने एवं नए मित्रोंको यह बताते हुए मुझे बड़ा आनंद प्राप्त हो रहा है के मेरी 'शनि दशा (साडे-साती)' समाप्त हो चूकी है! 

इसी कारणवश हमारे जीवनमे पुनः पदोन्नती का योग आया है एवं हम 'Team Leader' नियुक्त किये गए है!

Moral Of The Story: I have been handed over my 'Lifetime Achievement Award' ... 

अभी भी नही समझे??? अमा कमाल करते हो आप भी पांडेजी।।।
हम आपसे अवार्ड की बात कर रहे है और आप है के हमारी उमर का हिसाब लगा रहे है!!  
हमारे कहने का मतलब ये है के ......चलो थोडी अंग्रेजी ट्राय करते है....
I mean to say ke I have been promoted as a 'Team Leader' :) 

I would like to thank all those who taught me something or the other in my entire tenure in the current organization. A special thanks to those who thought I would never make it up to this level. 

There were lot of working hands shaping me throughout this period whom I have already thanked. Yet this is again a small appreciation from my side to all those whom I may have missed in my mail or who have left the organization...but ofcourse after teaching me something great stuff !!

The most pleasant part of the day was that many people were more happy than me for my promotion as if they were more eagerly waiting for my promotion thinking that I really deserved it. 
Their faith in me and my abilities and qualities which I can harness into my next job level was shown to me from time to time which kept me going on the 'slow track pitch which had uneven bounce' !!! 

I would always cherish this truthful affection shown towards me when I needed it the most.

I pray to god that kindly keep me rooted to the ground and don't alter me much unless it is really required for my new role and please let me be an 'Aam Aadmi' among the elite league :) 
Also don't make my creativity fade away due to the burden of new responsibilities and new challenges which I would have to face. Instead, show me ways to use my creativity for the betterment of my new role.

Thanks again to all the mentors from the bottom of my heart for making me achieve this success.

P.S. Kindly do not ask the current CTC as it won't be disclosed @ any cost !!! ;)

Suraj Gaikwad

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